Legal Notice

CLUIZEL Manufacture, headquartered at: 7 Avenue Michel Cluizel – Damville – CS 50026 – 27240 Mesnils sur Iton, France Tel.: +33 (0)2 32 35 60 00 Siret: 603 650 094 00023 (Evreux Trade and Companies Register (RCS)) – Registered capital: 1,000,000 euro – VAT No. FR 64603650094 Head of Site Publication and Managing Editor: Monsieur Marc Cluizel

Site designer and developer: B2B site: SHORTLINKS, 83 Rue Monceau, 75008 Paris, France Tel.: +33 (0)6 66 27 74 73 – B2C site: DOERS, 103 Rue la Fayette, 75010 Paris, France Tel.: +33 (0)9 86 53 59 26 Hosting: AWS in France.

CLUIZEL Manufacture owns the domain name and is owner of the related site as a whole. All related brands, logos and distinctive signs (catalogs, products, illustrations, models, patents, photos, texts, tree structure, animations, recipes and other content) are trademarks of CLUIZEL Manufacture and its partners. Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use in particular through downloading, transmission, usage or dissemination for purposes other than personal and private use for non-commercial reasons by the Internet user, is strictly prohibited. CLUIZEL Manufacture will take legal action, in particular for infringement, against any party who violates these rights. The infringement of the provisions hereof subjects its author to sanctions provided for under the French Intellectual Property Code and under the French Civil Code in terms of civil liability.

Design and graphic creation: CLUIZEL Manufacture Photo credits: CLUIZEL Manufacture, A.Bujak-LineaPica©, Atelier Mai 98, Doers Video credits: CLUIZEL Manufacture, A.Bujak-LineaPica© The information and presentations provided in the pages of the site hereof are for information purposes only and may be modified at any time without prior notice.

CLUIZEL Manufacture has entrusted its online sales to Chocoroncenay.

The Site may contain hyperlinks to third-party sites (social media, Cluizel USA, Cluizel Professionals, The user who is redirected to a third-party site through a hyperlink created to redirect to other sites acknowledges that CLUIZEL Manufacture has no control over the content, information, products or services offered on such sites. As such, CLUIZEL Manufacture cannot be held liable in any way for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of sites accessible via hyperlinks. Furthermore, CLUIZEL Manufacture cannot be held liable for hyperlinks that redirect to the Site. Any party that wishes to create hyperlinks that redirect to the Site must obtain prior written permission from CLUIZEL Manufacture.

CLUIZEL Manufacture reminds Internet users of the characteristics and limitations of Internet. CLUIZEL Manufacture cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from access to the Site or, on the contrary, the impossibility to access it. CLUIZEL Manufacture cannot be held liable in any way for the unavailability of the Site, for any reason whatsoever (technical error, network congestion, etc.). The user expressly agrees to use the Site at their own risk and under their sole responsibility. Site information is provided for information purposes only. Information disseminated on the current Site is updated and checked periodically but may still contain errors. Information should in any case be taken into account at the time it is placed online and not at the time it is viewed on the Site. In any event, CLUIZEL Manufacture cannot be held liable for said information.

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